Accupressure Massage (Oil-Free)
Acupressure “finger pressure” massage uses finger-thumb-palm pressure to encourage self-healing
30mins | $41 ($44.69 w/GST)
45mins | $58 ($63.22 w/GST)
60mins | $73 ($79.57 w/GST)
90mins | $109.5 ($119.35 w/GST)
120mins | $146 ($159.14 w/GST)
Acupressure style oil-free massage applied principally with a finger-thumb-palm pressure. Holistic massage that encourages self-healing and balance and enhances your overall sense of wellbeing.
DO NOT book for massage if you have the following conditions
- Under the influence of drugs or Alcohol
- Recent operations 1 years for major and 6 month for minor
- Cancer
- Skin diseases
- Any fracture
- Pregnancy
- Heavy Menstrual flow
- Uncontrolled High blood pressure
- Contagious diseases including any of fever, cold or flu no matter how mild it may seem
Please inform Front Desk / Therapist if you have the following conditions
- Spinal cord compression
- Slipped Disc
- unstable spinal segments
- Neuritis
- Pace-maker
- Heart conditions
Local Contra-indications: Indicate to the Front Desk / Therapist to avoid local areas
- Cuts or opened wound
- Varicose veins
- Undiagnosed lumps or bumps
- Bruising
- Sunburn
- Undiagnosed pain or inflammations, including arthritis
- Skin infections
- Sprain or strains